Student Grade Report


The Student Grade Report provides instructors with a detailed summary of each student's performance in the course. It includes individual grades for assignments and quizzes, as well as the overall grade average. Instructors can use this report to monitor student progress, for reporting purposes, or to upload it to their university’s student grade system. This report is accessible through the instructor's dashboard and serves as a valuable tool for tracking and managing student performance efficiently.

The Student Grade Report contains eleven components to aid in your analysis and reporting:

  1. Student Name and ID: This section lists the name and unique identification number of each student, allowing you to easily identify and track individual performance. The ID ensures accuracy when integrating data with other systems or reports.

  2. Individual Quiz Submission Status and Grades: This section displays the submission status for each quiz, indicating whether a student submitted their work on time, late, or not at all. Once the quiz is marked, the student's grade replaces their submission status, providing clear information about their performance. This helps instructors track both participation and grading progress while identifying students who may require follow-ups or additional support.

  3. Individual Quiz Weight: Indicates the percentage weight of each quiz in the overall course grade. This provides insight into the significance of each quiz and its impact on the student's total grade.

  4. Individual Quiz Points: Shows the points earned by each student for every quiz. This allows for detailed tracking of performance on individual assessments.

  5. Individual Quiz/Test and Assignment Course Average: Provides the average grade for each quiz, test, or assignment across the entire class. This component helps identify trends in class performance and the difficulty level of assessments.

  6. Total Course Average: Displays each student’s overall average grade for the course, combining all quizzes, tests, and assignments. This component gives a quick snapshot of a student's overall performance in the course.

  1. Class Average Scores for Quizzes and Assignments Graph: This graphical representation illustrates the class's average scores for quizzes and assignments, offering a visual overview of collective performance. It helps instructors identify patterns, gauge assessment difficulty, and determine areas where additional support or adjustments may be needed.

  1. Individual Assignment Submission Status and Grades: This section displays the submission status for each assignment, indicating whether a student submitted their work on time, late, or not at all. Once the assignment is marked, the student's grade replaces their submission status, providing clear information about their performance. This helps instructors track both participation and grading progress while identifying students who may require follow-ups or additional support.

  2. Individual Assignment Weight: Indicates the percentage weight of each assignment in the overall course grade. This provides insight into the significance of each assignment and its impact on the student's total grade.

  3. Individual Assignment Points: Shows the points earned by each student for every assignment. This allows for detailed tracking of performance on individual assessments.

  4. Running Average: This component calculates and displays the student's average grade up to the current point in the course, based only on the assignments and quizzes that have been graded so far. It helps instructors and students monitor progress and understand how their performance is evolving over time.

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